History Trends Unlimited
本文最后更新于 237 天前,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


   "average_visits": {
      "description": "Text in the Daily Stats table",
      "message": "访问量平均值:"
   "clear": {
      "description": "Button name next to each filter",
      "message": "清除"
   "clear_all": {
      "description": "Button name underneath filters when multiple filters are applied",
      "message": "清除所有筛选器"
   "daily_stats": {
      "description": "Heading for the Daily Stats table",
      "message": "每日统计"
   "day_hover_text": {
      "description": "Text that appears when hovering over a date link",
      "message": "按当天筛选"
   "day_of_month": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "一月的某周"
   "day_of_week": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "一周的某天"
   "define_transitions": {
      "description": "Text of link underneath the Transition Type chart",
      "message": "转换类型的定义"
   "domain_column_name": {
      "description": "Name of the Domain column that appears when clicking View Top 100 from the Domains tab",
      "message": "域名"
   "domain_hover_text": {
      "description": "Text that appears when hovering over a domain link",
      "message": "按该域名筛选"
   "domain_tab_name": {
      "description": "Name of the Domains tab",
      "message": "域名"
   "extension_description": {
      "description": "Description of the extension",
      "message": "搜索和分析你无限的历史记录。"
   "extension_name": {
      "description": "Name of the extension",
      "message": "History Trends Unlimited"
   "filter_by_domain": {
      "description": "Text next to the filter box on the domain tab",
      "message": "按域名筛选:"
   "filter_by_url": {
      "description": "Text next to the filter box on the URL tab",
      "message": "按网址筛选:"
   "go": {
      "description": "Button name next to the filter box on both the Domains and URLs tabs",
      "message": "确定"
   "import_errors": {
      "description": "summary of errors during import",
      "message": "错误:$ERROR_COUNT$ 行无法导入",
      "placeholders": {
         "error_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "5"
   "import_ignored_stats": {
      "description": "summary of visits not imported because they already exist",
      "message": "忽略了 $VISIT_COUNT$ 个已存在的的访问",
      "placeholders": {
         "visit_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "50"
   "import_label": {
      "description": "label on options page",
      "message": "导入"
   "import_progress": {
      "description": "loading message when importing",
      "message": "加载中…… $PERCENT$%",
      "placeholders": {
         "percent": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "50"
   "import_stats": {
      "description": "summary of imported urls and visits",
      "message": "导入了 $URL_COUNT$ 网址和 $VISIT_COUNT$ 访问",
      "placeholders": {
         "url_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "20"
         "visit_count": {
            "content": "$2",
            "example": "100"
   "limiter_180": {
      "description": "Limiter label for past 6 months",
      "message": "6 个月内"
   "limiter_30": {
      "description": "Limiter label for past month",
      "message": "1 个月内"
   "limiter_365": {
      "description": "Limiter label for past year",
      "message": "1 年内"
   "limiter_7": {
      "description": "Limiter label for past week",
      "message": "1 周内"
   "limiter_90": {
      "description": "Limiter label for past 3 months",
      "message": "3 个月内"
   "limiter_all": {
      "description": "Limiter label for all time",
      "message": "任何时间"
   "limiter_label": {
      "description": "Label for limiter dropdown menu",
      "message": "限制:"
   "median_visits": {
      "description": "Text in the Daily Stats table",
      "message": "访问量中位数:"
   "migrate_errors": {
      "description": "summary of errors during migrate",
      "message": "错误:$URL_COUNT$ 网址和 $VISIT_COUNT$ 访问无法迁移",
      "placeholders": {
         "url_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "20"
         "visit_count": {
            "content": "$2",
            "example": "100"
   "migrate_stats": {
      "description": "summary of migrated urls and visits",
      "message": "导入了 $URL_COUNT$ 网址和 $VISIT_COUNT$ 访问",
      "placeholders": {
         "url_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "20"
         "visit_count": {
            "content": "$2",
            "example": "100"
   "month": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "月"
   "not_applicable": {
      "description": "Short text to indicate a statistic is not applicable for the current filters",
      "message": "N/A"
   "num_visits": {
      "description": "Text that appears in the legend on all bar-graph charts",
      "message": "访问量"
   "number_of_visits": {
      "description": "Chart label on the Time-Series chart",
      "message": "访问量"
   "options": {
      "description": "Options Link",
      "message": "选项"
   "percent_unique_visits": {
      "description": "Column heading on Unique Visits tab",
      "message": "特殊访问(%)"
   "results_filtered": {
      "description": "Text that appears at the top after a filter has been applied",
      "message": "按以下方式筛选:"
   "return_to": {
      "description": "Part of a link that takes the user to a previous domain filter",
      "message": "回到 $DOMAIN$",
      "placeholders": {
         "domain": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "google.com"
   "time_of_day": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "一天的某时"
   "today": {
      "description": "Link that filters history results to today",
      "message": "今天:"
   "today_hover_text": {
      "description": "Text that displays when hovering over the Today link",
      "message": "按今天筛选"
   "top100_days": {
      "description": "Table heading on the busiest days popup",
      "message": "最忙的 100 天"
   "top100_domains": {
      "description": "Table heading on the domain popup",
      "message": "访问最多的 100 个域名"
   "top100_urls": {
      "description": "Table heading on the URL popup",
      "message": "访问最多的 100 个网址"
   "top10_days": {
      "description": "Table heading for the Busiest Days table",
      "message": "最忙的 10 天"
   "top10_domains": {
      "description": "Table heading on the domain tab",
      "message": "访问最多的 10 个域名"
   "top10_unique_urls": {
      "description": "Table heading on the unique urls per domain tab",
      "message": "有最多特殊网址的域名"
   "top10_urls": {
      "description": "Table heading on the URL tab",
      "message": "访问最多的 10 个网址"
   "transition_type": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "转换类型"
   "unique_url_count": {
      "description": "Label for the second column of the Unique URLs per Domain table",
      "message": "特殊网址"
   "unique_url_tab_name": {
      "description": "Name of the Unique URLs tab",
      "message": "特殊网址"
   "url_column_name": {
      "description": "Name of the URL column that appears when clicking View Top 100 from the URLs tab",
      "message": "网址"
   "url_hover_text": {
      "description": "Text that appears when hovering over a URL link",
      "message": "按该网址筛选"
   "url_stats": {
      "description": "URL statistics shown at the top of the page",
      "message": "访问 $URL_COUNT$ 个网址 $VISIT_COUNT$ 次",
      "placeholders": {
         "url_count": {
            "content": "$1",
            "example": "230"
         "visit_count": {
            "content": "$2",
            "example": "964"
   "url_tab_name": {
      "description": "Name of the URLs tab",
      "message": "网址"
   "view_more": {
      "description": "Text for the link on each tab that pops up a table showing more results",
      "message": "查看更多"
   "visit_count": {
      "description": "Column name on all tables showing statistics",
      "message": "访问量"
   "visits_per_day": {
      "description": "Title of Visits per Day chart, without a rolling average",
      "message": "日均访问量"
   "visits_per_day_rolling_avg": {
      "description": "Title of Visits per Day chart, with a rolling average",
      "message": "日均访问量(滑动平均值)"
   "waiting_text": {
      "description": "Text to display while the user's history is being processed.",
      "message": "请稍等,正在计算你的趋势。"
   "year": {
      "description": "Chart title",
      "message": "年"
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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd